Friday 15 April 2011


If I were given the opportunity to create a novel, I would write a tale involving animals who represent humans, much like Animal Farm. In my novel, these animals would depict the true natures of human and the things they become obsessed with while on this physical plane. They would fight, argue, lie, and present the evils and negatives that all humans possess, while maintaining some moments of love, compassion, and peace that humans are also capable of showing. My novel would also show the structure of our current societies and other important aspects in a humans live, but in the form of nature and what animals may consider the equivalent. These would include important things such as religious places of worship, factories that produce important goods we use in our everyday lives but harms the environment, or even a simple family restaurant(but in the form of nature, of course). Through my novel, I would hope to present what humans are truly like, our dependence on certain things and aspects of our lives that one would normally neglect, and other important emotional problems we face.

The novel may be one not widely accepted by its readers or the public, but will hopefully allow a few to understand what message I am sending out. It would be what Henry would call "deep." The genre of this tale would be a mix of fiction psychological/horror/adventure because of the representation of humans through animals, the evils that these animals present and the psychological and deep themes to be understood and the adventures which will be present in it.

My main reason for writing a piece like this is because it exhibits several themes of many books or pieces of literature which I also enjoy. I am a big fan of horror movies and thrills, especially things regarding the paranormal and urban "myths." Also, very psychological books or stories needing a comprehensive mind to understand is something I enjoy, which is why this would be the type of book I'd write. People forget what's important in life sometimes and get clouded by their desires. It seems deep and complicated but that's ultimately what I enjoy and it'd be fun to write a piece like this.

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